
Blog #3 Myth Reflection

 " St. Jude's Parable of Lost Boys " was a great experience. The unique aspect of creating our myth gave me a new perspective. I tried to tie my myth in with other mythologies to add credibility. This forced me to research different cultures and the myths surrounding them. I had a lot of fun creating the myth and tying it to others. This allowed me to learn about Aztec mythology, a subject previously wholly unknown to me. I learned a lot more than I thought I would. For example, the origin of balloon animals and how they are related to human sacrifices in Aztec history. The Aztecs used to take cat intestines and clean and ‘purify’ them. Once the intestines were properly prepared, they would turn them inside out and sew them into animal shapes. The two most popular shapes were (ironically) a dog and a donkey, but I can’t help but imagine a dog and a bigger dog simply calling it a donkey. Regardless they would sew the intestines into these shapes and then leave them out in ...

Blog #2 Poetry Reflection

The similarity between writing poetry and writing about poetry is the analysis. When writing poetry and writing about poetry, you must read and reread to understand the relationship between the words and the techniques used in the poetry. The difference, however, is understanding this relationship versus cultivating it. While writing about poetry, there is only a sense of spectatorship. While it can be exciting to see and recognize the techniques of a masterful poet, it is still something enjoyed from the sidelines. On the other hand, writing poetry forces you into the field and gives you a new appreciation for the art form. Like anything, there is only so much you can understand from observation alone. You must eventually begin doing it for yourself and learning how to apply the techniques. Through observation, I might understand how a punch is thrown, but until I try to throw one myself, I won't truly understand the mechanics, the application, the set-up. The more we write about ...

Blog #1: Self Introduction | Technology & Media in Education

My name is Colt Marshall ; after working in the fitness industry, emergency medical service, sales, office administration, retail, and public recreation, education finally gave me a clear direction in life. I have been working in the education field since 2010, specializing in language arts and special education. I started working at Simi Valley High School in 2010 as a Paraeducator in Special Education. I worked with students with moderate to severe disabilities, including but not limited to Autism, ADHD, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, and Fragile X. I specialized in inclusive services, adapting general education course material for my student's individual needs so they could pass their general education classes despite their disability. Once I transferred to California State University Northridge to continue my education, I started working as a Supplemental English Instructor for the university's SI English Program.  Working full time and going to school, I earned four A...